We made sane, middle-aged businessmen

don 15kg "empathy bellies".


The Book of Everyone came to us with the objective of launching its latest bespoke book; a personalised gift for Mother’s Day called ‘The Book of Mum’.


To ensure the brand wouldn’t get lost amongst the Mother’s Day gifts already on the market. We needed to really grab the media’s attention and get people talking about the brand.


The strategy was based on our client’s key objective: to promote the Book of Mum as a personalised gift to show the Mum in your life just how much you appreciate them.

Our client (three middle-aged men) wanted to show their mums and wives and all mums out there, how much they appreciated them by putting themselves in their shoes for the entire month. We needed some exciting brand activity in the run up to Mother’s Day – the concept of ‘The 3 Pregnant Dads’ was born.

Our clients (against their will) wore “Empathy bellies” that weighed 33lbs/15kg for the duration of the month. This included; when attending client meetings, using public transport and even when heading to the pub! Everything was filmed and documented for the bespoke landing page that they created, www.3pregnantdads.com, that linked to their main website, www.thebookofeveryone.com.

The campaign was rolled out to the blogging community to educate them on ‘The 3 Pregnant Dads’ challenge. We enticed them to set their very own mini challenges for our Dads during the month which could be filmed. These included activities such as pregnancy yoga and pregnancy simulation!

Once we had built momentum through the blogging channels and via social media, we offered exclusive documentary clips to the Daily Mail Online and lined up an interview with LK Today releasing details of the campaign to the world.


We secured 383 pieces of national and international coverage across 38 countries within a 3 week period. ‘The 3 Pregnant Dads’ were featured across all national titles and TV, including Lorraine Kelly, This Morning, Good Morning Britain, The Daily Mail, The Telegraph, Huffington Post and Times Magazine US amongst many others.

One particular feature received comments along the lines of, "That is not real pregnancy, these men have no idea what it takes!" In response, we booked the Dads in for simulated pregnancy pains and filmed the whole experience, creating even more column inches!

Our 3 Pregnant Dad’s campaign led to a 2,765%, increase in sales, 2,000 shares on one Daily Mail article alone as well as a 1,850% increase in Facebook social media engagement.

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