Reaching Millions: Press Release Workshop

How to write a press release for you, your business or product launch that will get you featured in press!

Are you looking to get yourself, your business or your product featured in press? Creating a press release is one of the foundations of PR and is an absolute essential to getting yourself coverage, so it’s vital to get it right!

Our one on one, dedicated Press Release Workshop will show you exactly how to write a press release that will catch the eyes of the press and get you coverage in print, online, radio and TV that will build the profile of your business or product.




Press release workshops take an hour and a half. Enter your preferred date when booking and a member of the team will confirm with you.


If you’re an entrepreneur doing your own PR, a PR student, marketer, events manager or just someone looking to brush up on their press release writing skills

How much:


How to book:

At the bottom of this page or here.

The workshop will give you one on one time with a member of the Sunny Bird PR team to talk about your ideas, your press release and ask plenty of questions. We will show you real-life client press releases that have got our clients covered in The Telegraph, The Guardian, This Morning, The Independent, The Sun, You Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Woman & Home magazine and Bournemouth Daily Echo to name a few.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level and create perfect press releases? If so, here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn during our press release clinic:

·         What should you write your press release about? If you’ve got no new ideas, we’ll help you brainstorm ways to get yourself in press.

·         Who are you writing for? Whether you’re trying to get yourself in The Sun or Vogue Magazine we will show you how to target your press release for those journalists.

·         How to write like a journalist – the tips and tricks we’ve learnt from our dedicated media consultants.

·         How to structure a press release with real-life examples from our clients.

·         Creating eye-catching headlines and intros - how to cut through the thousands of press releases in a journalist’s inbox.

·         Who should you quote, and what should they say?

·         What to do when you’ve created your press release and how to pitch it to media.

What else you’ll receive on the day

·         Course information pack to take back to your business.

·         Press release template, guideline and examples.

·         Your top ten media contacts to send your press release to.

·         Feedback from the team on your press release.

Press Release Workshop