Laura Hampson is a 23-year-old travel and lifestyle journalist for the Daily Star Online. She kindly took a moment away from her busy schedule to answer our Journalist of the Month questions and gave us a thought-provoking question in return …
1. What are the 5 words that best describe you?
It's always so weird to describe yourself but here I go: Happy, loving, kind, enthusiastic, homebody.
2. What magazine do you love reading and why?
Frankie – an Australian magazine that contains the most beautiful pieces of writing.
3. What is your favourite book?
It will always be ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen.
4. Which song makes you dance?
Fade - Kanye West, Dreams - Fleetwood Mac and Sorry - Justin Bieber. Not a fan of Biebs but I like to pretend I can do the dance from the music video. Emphasis on 'pretend'.
5. What has been your best career moment?
Besides landing my dream job the day after I graduated university in Australia, there have been a lot of pieces I've written that I'm really proud of. Also leaving everything, moving to London and landing a job with a great team. Getting to travel the world as part of my job is a bonus too!
6. What advice would you give your 20 year old self?
Keep working hard and keep being kind to people – kindness is key. Also, save more money because life in London is much more expensive than you think.
7. Where are you happiest?
When I'm visiting a new country, talking to family and friends, visiting Ireland (where my boyfriend lives), going for a walk/hike in the sun, swimming in the ocean or when I'm snuggled up in bed watching a Netflix series I'm obsessed with.
8. Who would be your number one dinner guest be and why? (they can be past or present)
I am all about young females making a name for themselves in journalism, so at the moment my answer to this would be Leandra Medine who founded the blog-come-pop-culture-website Man Repeller when she was 20/21. I would love to pick her brain.
9. If you could have any superpower, what power would it be and why?
Teleportation. Hands down. Then I would be able to visit my family in New Zealand, my boyfriend in Ireland and my friends in Australia and around the world whenever I liked. Plus it would make travel much less time-consuming.
10. If you had to ask us one question what would it be?
If you had to pack up and move to a new country for a year, where would it be and why?
Rian: Barcelona – because she wants to indulge herself in unlimited tapas and sangria.
Lizzie: Costa Roca – because it’s known to be one of the greenest countries and it’s a tropical paradise.
Sunny: Ibiza – because of the beautiful beaches and the holistic nature of the island.
Lucy: California – because of the guaranteed beautiful weather and she’s been dying to see the Yosemite National Park and walk across the Golden Gate Bridge.